Hypoglycemia Causes Psoriasis, Night Sweating, Peeing, Insomnia and Anxiety
There are so many people with psoriasis complaining about night sweats and waking up to go to pee. And most of them are almost ultimately without any clue what causes it.
When they go to see a doctor the answer they usually get is “anxiety due to psoriasis” and less common answers are infection, prostate problems or even possibly some cancer. The major problem with that answer is that anxiety does not cause night sweats.
It is the hypoglycemia which causes anxiety, psoriasis as well as nigh sweats.
If the doctors prescribe the antidepressants for suspected anxiety which is caused by adrenaline (due to hypoglycemia) the health can go just downhill. It may ease the anxiety but those drugs won’t do anything good for the real cause of anxiety and night sweats – for hypoglycemia.
- anxiety is often caused by constant excess of adrenaline
- hypoglycemia causes constant adrenaline release
- hypoglycemia is very common problem but still doctors consider it as rare
- emotional stress must be avoided in order to heal the body
- nutrition is essential – magnesium, B-complex, lecithin, zinc, omega 3,6,9
- hypoglycemic diet is the best way to heal
- whey protein concentrate or isolate before sleep may greatly reduce the hypoglycemia during the night
Really Bad Digestion, Hunger, Aggressiveness and Psoriasis
Recently I have got the next question from one reader of this blog…
I have a long-term psoriasis with associated problems like bad digestion when I have a gas after every meal no matter what I eat.
I do not think I have a dental infection at this point.
I am hungry and have to eat every 3 hours because otherwise I feel weak. I must eat something sweet to bring the energy back.
I also feel often depressive and get aggressive.
I want to try artichoke, sunflower lecithin, B-complex, omega 3 supplement, magnesium and I would also like to try something for my blood sugar levels.
Do you think some amino acids and protein supplement would be OK since I am very skinny?
What do you think about an ayurvedic supplement – Triphala – for digestion?
I am not a doctor so these are just my thoughts.
If there is a gas after eating “whatever” then probably even the basic starches are not digested properly.
Being hungry and craving to eat sugar (sweet foods) may indicate hypoglycemia, insulin resistance (caused usually by infection – SIBO, yeast/fungal or dental infection) and deficiencies (mostly B-vitamins).
Depression and aggressiveness is usually accompanied/caused by hypoglycemia.
Depression is caused by more like long-term hypoglycemia over months or years.
Adrenaline makes the body unresponsive to its effects (to normal levels of adrenaline) and this may cause depression.[1, 2] It is a known fact that administration of adrenaline “cures” depression in seconds. But his effect lasts just a few minutes or maybe hours.
There is not a lot of research in this field but many people have experienced the feeling how they get stimulated in some “fight” situations where adrenaline is being released by the body in huge amounts.
Aggressiveness is strongly linked to adrenaline – everybody knows that – so not much to say here. It is a fight-or-flight hormone and neurotransmitter.
Blood sugar imbalances are usually caused by infection (SIBO, dental infection) and deficiencies like those of B-vitamins but chromium improves insulin resistance as well.
The point is to eat hypoglycemic diet – brown rice, fat and protein with meals,… protein shakes are really good.
Sadly, the foods like brown rice have their advantages over white rice in terms of being hypoglycemic, but are harder to digest and may feed the bacteria (SIBO) more during the time they are moving through the intestines.Another problem may be in those who have really messed up digestion that they can get less energy of those foods due to low absorption of those foods. White rice is more like pure starch so it is easier to digest than brown rice which has still a bran on its outer shell.
The causes of Being skinny
There is a lot of causes why some people and especially those with some chronic inflammation are skinny.
1) SIBO creates a lot of problems in the body:
– overgrown bacteria eat your protein before you digest it!
– hormonal imbalances and catabolic state of the body (cortisol, lactic acidosis…)
– bad digestion = bad absorption of nutrients
2) B-vitamin deficiencies
3) Other deficiencies – vitamins and mostly minerals
4) Stressful situations
5) Not eating enough calories and protein
…I did not take Triphala so I can not say how much it would help the digestion.
I do not think Triphala could be some miracle for psoriasis. It is a herbal supplement and just like artichoke it needs some time to see the results.
The most important in my opinion is:
1) Not to focus on diet as the most important thing in LIFE!
Eat healthy, but do not make everything else passing by you just because of diet.
Try to enjoy life as much as you can and do not focus on diet too much. There is so many people on paleo diet, SCD diet, gluten-free diet,… and still have health issues even after years on their diets.
2) Eat regularly in order to avoid blood sugar swings. It might be helpful if you knew your blood sugar levels. You can check them with cheap blood sugar meters for diabetics – mmol/L version or mg/dL version.
3) Omega 3 and 6 are important to take regularly to rebuild the cells.
4) Protein shakes are helpful to rebuild the tissues (including the nervous system and brain).
The other supplements you have mentioned are really useful (artichoke, lecithin, …).
I would always focus on dental infections as TOP priority and then nutrition (supplements). Supplementation and avoiding stressful situations is more important than addressing the SIBO directly.
Body needs the nutrients – omega fatty acids and protein plus vitamins like B-complex – in order to regenerate!
I think it would be useless to follow some anti-fungal, anti-SIBO,… protocol without strengthening the body first with nutrition.
For SIBO I would consider the Saccharomyces boulardii over/and the bacterial probiotics. Candida albicans and fungi may cause chronic “sub-clinical” inflammation in the intestines which may significantly contribute to leaky gut.
Insulin Resistance is Caused by Infection
Insulin resistance is involved in most chronic diseases. It is not just diabetes or so called metabolic syndrome.
Psoriasis and other “autoimmune” considered diseases are accompanied by insulin resistance, elevated fasting blood glucose sugar and hypoglycemic episodes.
Hormonal imbalances are actually often caused by gut imbalances (SIBO and fungi with other parasites) which lead to inflammation.
Insulin is a hormone which is essential for the body to regulate the blood sugar and maintaining the homeostasis. It is a powerful hormone which directly or indirectly affects most of the other hormones and their effects on the body. When there is an inflammation in the intestines (mostly small intestine) your hormonal system can’t be OK.
Insulin resistance often leads to hypoglycemia which in turn causes the adrenaline production. That is why we get angry and nervous when we are hungry. That’s why there is so much behavioral problems in kids who eat a lot of sweets.
It is not about the table sugar as molecule (glucose+fructose), it is about the hypoglycemia which is often induced by rapidly absorbed sugar (drinking a cup of soda will get you about 20 grams of sugar) which instantly increases the insulin release.
However, at least in my opinion drinking sweet sodas or eating fruit is not the worst you can do for insulin sensitivity.
The worst is infection
There are millions of people who don’t realize that their dental infections and root canal teeth are making them sick. So many people cured their diabetes just by having their root canal teeth removed.
The results were usually amazingly fast – like 2 or 3 days after an extraction of teeth their blood sugar dropped significantly. Not due to changes in their diet, it’s just because they removed the infected part of their body – removed the source of toxins and reduced the inflammation pathways.
Insulin resistance caused by infection
It is scientifically documented that acute infections are accompanied by insulin resistance, worsening of blood sugar control in diabetics as well as decreased glucose tolerance in non-diabetics. The authors of study from 1984 concluded that binding of insulin to cells was not affected by acute infection. Therefore the insulin resistance in infection is mediated at the post-receptor level.[3] That means that there is some problem in the inside of the cells which leads to symptoms of insulin resistance.
The shocking is the data from scientific paper published in JAMA in 1943.[4] The authors state:
“Infection is probably the most common of the several causes for insulin resistance in diabetes mellitus in man, but the mechanism of this phenomenon is not understood. There are several theories which have been advocated to explain this resistance: (1) decrease of endogenous insulin secretion by the pancreas, (2) decrease of effectiveness of endogenous and exogenous insulin, (3) increase of metabolic rate, (4) greater glycogenolysis by the liver, (5) increase of epinephrine secretion by the adrenal, (6) decrease of insulin kinase secreted by the liver, (7) increase of adrenal cortex secretion, (8) increase of secretion by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, (9) increase of secretion by the thyroid gland, (10) decrease in ability of the skeletal muscles to form glycogen and (11) increase of inhibitory action on insulin of the blood plasma.”
Would you believe that? So much truth in one of the most popular and respected medical journals and nobody cares?
The authors concluded that infection is probably the most common cause of insulin resistance!
Now we are 72 years later and the best diabetes treatment medicine offers is pumping the patients with insulin injections?
Type 2 diabetics produce enough of insulin, the problem is that cells do not respond to it as they should. The cells are hypo-responsive to insulin so we should not be dependent on taking exogenous insulin (insulin injections) as the best treatment.
The points 2 and 5 are particularly interesting…
Decrease of effectiveness of endogenous (insulin produced by own body) insulin (point 2) is what the other scientists concluded later in 1984 in the study mentioned above.
Point 5 is about the increased adrenaline production – adrenaline is released in case of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hypoglycemia is caused by insulin resistance. So it is the vicious circle when insulin resistance leads increased insulin production, too much insulin leads to hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia leads to adrenaline release, adrenaline in turn leads back to increased blood glucose levels and high blood sugar leads again to insulin production.
One vicious circle…
And we’re back from 1940’s in 1989 when Finnish scientists published the paper “Severity, duration, and mechanisms of insulin resistance during acute infections”.[5]
The authors concluded that acute infections provoke the insulin resistance. The study involved 8 patients with acute viral or bacterial infection monitored during the acute infection phase as well as 1-3 months after the recovery.
The insulin resistance was measured by infusion of glucose. The results were significant since patients with acute infections needed 52% less glucose than healthy control subjects in order to maintain normal blood sugar levels (normoglycemia).
The statistical data show that infection induced insulin resistant patients have similar blood glucose control as healthy people at age of 84 years or obese persons with BMI of 37 kg/m2.
Even 1-3 months after recovery the insulin resistance in patients was still present.
The authors executed additional tests and concluded that even though carbohydrate oxidation (put in simple words = energy production) was similar in healthy controls as in patients with acute infection there were the serious problems with glucose storage.
The results proved that acute infections induce severe and long-lasting insulin resistance via the malfunction of glucose utilization pathways. Despite normal rate of carbohydrate oxidation (burning of glucose to form energy) in patients with acute infections there were the problems with glucose storage which was nearly zero.
“The apparent blockade in glucose storage could result from diminished glycogen synthesis, accelerated glycogenolysis, or both.,” the authors concluded.[5]
Insulin resistance may lead to hypoglycemia
We have learned that acute infections cause insulin resistance.
But what about the chronic infections?
Do you think that insulin resistance in chronic infections is less serious than in acute infections?
The common sense tells you that chronic infection is even worse than acute infection so answer that question yourself….
Anyway, insulin resistance may lead to hypoglycemia so we are going to learn about the hypoglycemia and how it affects the body.
Hypoglycemia symptoms:
- hunger (due to low blood sugar)
- sleepiness (due to low glucose supply to the brain)
- insomnia (due to adrenaline release)
- waking up in the middle of the night (due to adrenaline release)
- anxiety (constant adrenaline excess)
- confusion and nervosity (actually OCD due to excess of adrenaline)
- sweating (adrenaline)
- anger and irritability (adrenaline)
Only the hunger and sleepiness are the two effects of hypoglycemia which are not directly caused by adrenaline. All the other symptoms of hypoglycemia are directly influenced by adrenaline production.
Reactive hypoglycemia is common
Reactive hypoglycemia is rampant and the natural response to low blood sugar is adrenaline release which brings the blood sugar up. The term “reactive hypoglycemia” describes the blood sugar drop to low levels within 4 hours after high-carbohydrate meal, where symptoms of hypoglycemia are present.
I can not understand how all the medical community pretends that hypoglycemia is a rare disorder? Are they crazy or what? Sure, most people with hypoglycemia never reach the blood glucose levels when they just drop on the floor and swinging their heads from side to side and mumble something. But that is just because the basal blood sugar levels their bodies are used to function are often higher than in normal healthy person (even though still in a reference range so they are not diagnosed as diabetics).
Do not get fooled by readings of blood sugar levels which are in normal range.
It is common with reactive hypoglycemia that people have (slightly) elevated basal blood sugar levels so the symptoms of hypoglycemia can set on much higher blood glucose levels than in healthy people.
For example if your basal (fasting) blood glucose levels are 5.7 mmol/L (102 mg/dL) or 6.0 mmol/L (108 mg/dL) the symptoms of hypoglycemia can be present at levels of 5.0 mmol/L (90 mg/dL). You don’t have to have the blood sugar levels at 3.5 mmol/L (63 mg/dL) when hypoglycemia symptoms arise in healthy people.
Keep in mind that the elevated fasting blood sugar levels have some cause. That cause is mostly insulin resistance which makes impossible for the body to feed the cells with glucose if there is just normal amount of glucose in the blood.
Weight loss due to hypoglycemia
So, if there is not enough of glucose supply from digestive tract (food) or glycogen the adrenaline is released in order to raise the blood glucose levels.
For example after heavy exercise there are no glycogen stores left but adrenaline has the ability to induce the glucose production (gluconeogenesis) from glucogenic amino acids. Almost all known amino acids are glucogenic; only leucine and lysine are not.
That is why hypoglycemia may lead to weight loss even though there is enough of carbohydrates in the diet. The body may constantly breaking down the muscles in order to raise the blood sugar.
How you can stop the muscle loss?
The key is protein; the higher needs for protein in people with hypoglycemia and eating standard diets may lead to weight loss due to protein deficiency. That is why quality protein supplement like whey protein concentrate (WPC) or whey protein isolate (WPI) may do wonders for those people.
High protein food or protein supplement before sleep may balance the blood sugar and make the sleep more refreshing due to avoiding the hypoglycemic state during the night.
Waking up to go to pee during the night
As most people already know when they are stressed or feared the common symptom is need to go pee. In very stressful situation the involuntary peeing is common even in adults. Adrenaline does that!
Adrenaline tighten up the muscles of urinary bladder so it is hard to hold the urine.
When adrenaline is released (due to hypoglycemia) during the sleep the adults usually wake up and go to the bathroom. However the small children have usually less control and just pee in the bed.
Even so common bedwetting in children; the onset is usually accompanied after some traumatic experience those children went through. Those children develop bedwetting because of the stress they went through (due to parents’ fight, abusive parents, school performance,…). Those children develop Autonomic Nervous System dysfunction – actually a (weak) form of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder).
Adrenaline in the body acts as a neurotransmitter and as a hormone. Hormonal imbalances can be really hard to resolve so that is why so many diseases where the Autonomic Nervous System dysfunction plays a major role are so hard to treat.
It is similar to abusing of anabolic steroids in bodybuilders. After the bodybuilders go off the steroids they loose a lot of muscles and personality. Since the body was used to be supplied by exogenous steroids the natural production of hormones (testosterone) shuts down.
The same often happens with excess of adrenaline which may induce depression after the long term stress during a lot of adrenaline is produced and the body gets accustomed to it. After some time when the adrenaline production can’t go up anymore the brain, mind and the body is left exhausted.
Psoriasis – adrenaline connection
Constant hypoglycemia and subsequent adrenaline release completely dysregulate the whole body via the adrenaline effects on Autonomic Nervous System. In my theory too much adrenaline production day by day, week by week, year by year leads to hyporesponsivity to adrenaline (as hormone and as neurotransmitter).
Dysregulated (hyporesponsive) neurons (and other cells including the blood platelets) interfere with the natural functions of the body. This results in too much coagulation, vasoconstriction (low blood flow) – and when this happens to muscles in blood vessels and capillaries in the skin there will be low blood flow in the skin. This leads to opportunity for fungi to invade the hypoxic (low oxygenated spots on the skin) skin and cause psoriasis plaque.
I have described the mechanism of the vasoconstriction in one of my previous posts.
How to resolve this?
It should be always noted that resolving the deficiencies has top priority – magnesium, B-complex, omega 3,6,9; zinc, lecithin – are essential for proper nervous system function.
Dr. Michael Platt, MD wrote a book called Adrenaline Dominance where he makes a connection between many chronic diseases and different symptoms and excess of adrenaline production. He recommends the hypoglycemic diet and natural bio-identical progesterone cream as a solution.
Galantamine was successfully used in more studies in Europe many years ago for treating the nervous system. Galantamine acts as a positive allosteric modulator of alpha-7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (makes those receptors more responsive to acetylcholine) and also as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (raises the acetylcholine levels).
Galantamine may help a lot but surely it is not 100% like any other drug. Galantamine is in many countries available only as a prescription drug even though it is natural chemical found in snowdrops and daffodils.
1) https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/06/040604031830.htm
2) http://www.nature.com/npp/journal/v28/n8/full/1300222a.html
3) Drobny EC, Abramson EC, Baumann G. Insulin receptors in acute infection: a study of factors conferring insulin resistance. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1984 Apr;58(4):710-6.4) JAMES A. GREENE, M.D.; G. F. KEOHEN. INSULIN RESISTANCE DUE TO INFECTION IN DIABETES MELLITUS IN MAN. JAMA. 1943;121(3):173-176.
5) Yki-Järvinen H, Sammalkorpi K, Koivisto VA, Nikkilä EA. Severity, duration, and mechanisms of insulin resistance during acute infections. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1989 Aug;69(2):317-23.
Hi John. You said “”The key is protein; the higher needs for protein in people with hypoglycemia and eating standard diets may lead to weight loss due to protein deficiency. That is why quality protein supplement like whey protein concentrate (WPC) or whey protein isolate (WPI) may do wonders for those people.
High protein food or protein supplement before sleep may balance the blood sugar and make the sleep more refreshing due to avoiding the hypoglycemic state during the night.””
Are these whey proteins you mention just the standard protein powders that you mix up into a protein shake? Are you recommending 1 serving before going to bed? FYI, Although I am thin,I don’t have a problem with losing weight. But do have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep.
Yes, I talk about those like the bodybuilders use.
About 30 grams is one serving and you should buy good quality WPC or WPI with amino acid content of 75% or more.
Eating maybe 1 hour before sleep may help; it is just a myth to go to sleep with an empty stomach!
Hi John,
Have insomnia sleep problems and distruptions. Like getting up to pee 3 times during the night,. I find it hard to go to sleep, and waking up in the middle of the night, because I have high cortisol and glucose at night. Is there anything I can take. Right now I tried all the relaxing sleep teas, take Seriphos, Gaba and l-tryptophan, and melatonin. Still I wake up and do not get enough sleep. I am 68 yrs. old. I am a petite thin person so have no need to lose weight. Are there any natural supplements I can take to heal this cortisol problem. Thanks for your help.
High cortisol is probably due to hypoglycemia and high glucose is because there is probably insulin resistance caused by inflammation.
I mean – there is not a cortisol problem. There is probably hypoglycemia/insulin resistance and that is what may be causing high cortisol.
Dental infections – infected teeth (and root canals) – very often cause the inflammation which leads to insulin resistance and insulin resistance leads to hypoglycemia.
Or inflammation may be caused by endotoxins from the small intestine. Read my posts about bile flow – artichoke leaf, lecithin, B-complex, bile acids…
What are the basic supplements for hypoglycemia?:
– B-complex – Jarrow B-Right
– chromium
– magnesium
But as I said, hypoglycemia is insulin resistance caused usually by inflammation induced by endotoxins.
Hi, I do hope you do not think I am interfering. I think the above post is spot on. I just wanted to say what helped me to sleep, and that is orange juice, not a huge amount, with 1/2 a Tsp of Himalayan salt in, and 2 ml of ionic magnesium Chloride. I have this by the bed at night and when you wake for a pee in the night have a few sips , enough to send you back to sleep. also have some just before you go to bed, have some sips every time you go to bed, . Apart from obviously trying to sort out your inflammation. Hope this helps.
You mentioned above that 30 grams is one serving-would this also be the same for my daughter who is almost 11 and weighs 85 lbs? I am hoping that something like this would help her bed wetting.
The RDA for protein is established at 0.8 grams per 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of body weight. People who train a lot like bodybuilders or some athletes have their protein intake at 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight or even higher.
We are talking about the daily protein intake in foods (meat, eggs, milk,…) + supplements (protein shakes) together. So 100 kg athlete does NOT drink 200 grams of protein powder daily.
The Whey Protein Concentrate or Whey Protein Isolate supplements have about 72-85% of protein per weight. The rest is sugar (lactose), fat (from milk) and additives.
For 85 lbs person according to the RDA the total amount of protein per day would be 30 grams. This amount of protein is in about 40 grams of whey protein concentrate/isolate.
If I was 85 lbs person I would take 20 grams of protein powder which contains about 15 grams of pure protein.
At nearly 60 now, if I have ‘any’ drink after 9pm, its guaranteed to get me up for a pee in the night. why is this pls? If I were to follow your suggestion and drink HP shakes, I would be up have the night with disturbed sleep rhythms
Wake up to go to pee is something else than wake up due to hypoglycemia induced adrenaline release and spasms in urinary bladder.
You can try to eat protein containing food before sleep so it does not have to be necessarily the protein shake.
And protein shake (30 grams of powder) can be mixed in just as little as 100 ml of water so you can minimize the need to pee during the sleep. And still you can try drink the shake before 9pm.
Hi John will nuts do the job to keep us asleep? Ive had stress and insomnia for ten years.not slept through the night for ten years and trying hard to fix
The best way to find out is to eat some and you will know.
Some people need to eat starches before sleep and some will do fine with protein shake or nuts.
It really depends on many factors including the digestive capabilities – how fast the food is digested, how much enzymes is your body able to produce, how much you will eat,…
Generally I consider whey protein concentrate and isolate as the great supplements because a lot of people today are protein deficient. Amino acids found in whey protein are crucial for whole body and all functions.
That is why the sleep may significantly improve not just immediately that night but also a few weeks (2-3 weeks) later as the body gets the missing amino acids and re-start the processes which were down-regulated due to amino acids deficiency.
Do metformin is helpful in the early treatment of the hypoglycemia?
I do not know what you mean by “treatment”? I am not a doctor so I can not say you if it is helpful.
There is not 1 case of hypoglycemia worldwide that would be caused by metformin deficiency so I would say that metformin can not cure hypoglycemia.
If anything it might cause hypoglycemic episodes (even though less often than some of the other diabetic drugs).
Metformin suppresses the glucose production in the liver and this has nothing to do directly with hypoglycemia caused by endotoxins, TNF-alpha and inflammation.
Resolving the cause of inflammation like deficiencies and infections (tooth decays and root canals, SIBO) and avoiding the emotional stress is I believe the only surefire way to recovery from chronic health issues.
In some cases and in some health problems the drugs are very effective during the recovery so I am not against their use without any exception. But as I said I am not a doctor so I am not saying to anybody to take the drugs or not to take them.
I like your answer to the above question. My first impression was that the person in question was celiac. Celiac can cause depression and poor digestion. I also thought this person has other food sensitivities to cause problems in the stomach.
I will be tested the end of next month for allergies with blood and urine. I have so many food allergies.
Glad to have you back. Janet
Thank you for your comment!
I think that there is a big hype regarding the celiac disease.
There is really not so many people who have celiac disease.
Being somehow intolerant to gluten, wheat or/and other grains does not make a person celiac.
Inflamed small digestion will cause a lot of problems – digestive, immune, nervous,…
Small intestine inflammation lead to leaky gut and person may and often will react to many foods because it is like having the food particles (proteins) administered under the skin or into the blood.
Ultimately it is all about the liver and how much burden it can take care of. Once the liver can not keep up with the rate of endotoxins, chemicals, food proteins… which leak through the intestines into the body that is the point when problems start to appear.
So glad to see you posting again John and thank you for all your hard work.. My question pertains to what supplement to use to support the liver. Milk thistle is always the go to remedy for the liver but if it causes excess estrogen then what is the alternative? Again, thanks for all you do.
There is a lot of other options instead of Milk Thistle.
Antioxidant properties have a lot of natural substances. Berries, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage,… but keep in mind that if you decide to juice the vegetable like broccoli it may be easy to take too much! I would not drink 1 liter of broccoli juice daily like some people might want to.
There are still many supplements – artichoke leaf extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, lecithin, Liv.52 (formula consisting of a few herbs/plants), lecithin, Ursodeoxycholic acid (need prescription usually), Turmeric, N-Acetylcysteine, Barberry, Dandelion,… and even the essential oils.
I did not check every supplement/herb mentioned above for its possible estrogenic effects but I doubt that any would have as strong as Milk Thistle.
Keep in mind that estrogen-like compounds have most if not all plants – even wheat. It is not just soy which has estrogenic isoflavones in it.
How much of them and how strong those estrogen-like compounds are is what really matters. Milk Thistle is not worthy for liver in my opinion, especially for men.
Hello. I have been diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia. When I wake up I have a strong urge to urinate. After being asleep about 5 to 6 hours, I start having anxious, frustrating, repetitive dreams that Cause me to wake up exhausted. If I go back to sleep, this cycle of crazy dreams continues. Thinking about setting an alarm for six hours after I go to sleep, to wake up and drink a protein shake to prevent this. I am definitely having all the symptoms of the adrenal release.
Your thoughts?
Drinking a protein shake before even going to sleep might help.
Resistant starch intake improves the hypoglycemia as well.
Do you take B-complex? LifeExtension BioActive Complete B-complex taken about 1 hour before sleep significantly improves the hypoglycemia.
Hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, gut inflammation, endotoxins… a vicious circle. Read the articles.
I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia 20 years ago. I just have to say thank you, after reading this article I feel reliveved!!
Four months ago I began waking up every night between 3-4am drenched in sweat and what I presumed was anxious; Dr’s tried treating my sleeplessness and anxiety with two different kinds of anxiety medication (not at the same time) and a sleep aid. None of which helped, nor I continue to take, however I continue to have this issue.
My husband suggested it was my hypoglycemia that was causing my sleeplessness, sweating and anxiety so I started digging deeper on how this annoying disease could further continue to impeed my life. I have found quite a bit of information, including your article, that supports my husbands theory!
Hopefully figuring out how to maintain healthy blood sugar levels while I sleep will help with my issues!
Thank you for the information!
This is totally wrong… hypoglycemia is from compromised liver due to low thyroid… Ray Peat describes this very well… i don’t understand why you give wrong information…