The Facts Which Link Psoriasis (Just Like Many Other Illnesses) to (Cell Wall-Deficient) Bacteria/Mycoplasma/Virus

Psoriasis on scalp and face. I think that scalp psoriasis is common because there is constantly less oxygen in the skin due to the hair. Also it is very possible that the hair follicles/sebaceous glands can have a significant effect in the pathogenesis. But still the cause is some pathogen.
  • the plaques have round shape and are growing from the center; the same effect as you can see in petri dish where bacteria are grown (cultured)
  • the plaques are spreading usually not too far one from another; the pathogens move a little and start a new colony. For example when the scalp psoriasis spreads to eyebrows. The guttate psoriasis is the good example.
  • the plaques usually start clearing up from the middle – the point where they started to grow; that is probably because the main pathway for blood supply which is there allows better blood flow – white blood cells, rapid skin cells proliferation (my psoriasis cause theory no.2) and oxygen supply kill the pathogens
  • scalp psoriasis is very often under the hair and usually improves when somebody cut his hair to bald – oxygen supply from air helps the immune system to fight off the bacteria
  • psoriasis plaques are common also on knees and elbows – these skin areas have lower blood circulation and therefore the bacteria are not attacked by so many white cells and oxygen
  • scientists in the studies isolated from plaques and blood of psoriatics various strains of bacteria
  • if you stop taking bile acids, Betaine HCL or fish oil before some plaque is not fully cleared then it will spread back often – this happen mostly if the plaque is only for 20% – 50% cleared; if the plaque is cleared almost completely usually it would take much longer while it grow back;
  • sun/UV(B) therapy clears up psoriasis – sun light contains the UV rays and these as you know can kill the pathogens by damaging their DNA; face psoriasis usually gets better as first in the summer;
  • people clear up on some antibiotics – what else effect could these drugs have on psoriasis than that they killed the bacteria? If they would be effective by blocking the cell proliferation, then psoriasis would came back in full strength very soon, but it is not the case! Maybe those antibiotics kill just the intestinal bacteria and help the liver in some way but still – the pathogens are the problem. Do not take the antibiotics for psoriasis, the most people get even worse!
  • people clear up visiting the Dead Sea – lower altitude – higher oxygen concentration (higher atmospheric and osmotic pressure) – the oxygen helps the body to kill the pathogens in the skin
  • people clear up when diving – oxygen bottles and higher atmospheric pressure under the water (and also higher osmotic pressure)[44]
  • people clear up on HBOT – Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – high oxygen content and higher atmospheric/osmotic pressure
  • it helps to kill the pathogens in the skin [45]
  • high altitudes – body releases the erythropoietin (EPO) to stimulate the red blood cells production – and more RBCs can transfer more oxygen; the body/oxygen kills the pathogens in the skin
  • after people go off of the immunity suppressing drugs the psoriasis is back and very often even worse; pathogens could proliferate more easily while the immune system was blocked with the drugs
  • psoriatics have the higher amounts of neutrophils in the psoriasis plaques.[166] The elevated neutrophils which are migrated at some place is generally the sign of (intracellular) infection.[98]
  • Iodine as 7 % water solution applied to the patches will eventually lead to plaque disappearing. No red spot stays there after the treatment. The psoriasis spot looks just like when the psoriasis goes away naturally taking the bile acids/fish oil/vitamin D3 etc.
  • 100% raw diet cures psoriasis since the raw foods place a lot lower burden on the body – easy to digest, less metabolic waste, alkalize the body, oxygenate the body, green leafy vegetable supports liver function, the raw food doesn’t feed so much bacteria

Iodine solution applied on the plaques – 7% concentration

Iodine is toxic in higher amounts so you can apply it on the skin just in the small amounts at concentration of 7%. Also the 7% concentration is strong so it may cause some pain when applied on the skin. I have tested this just to verify if the antiseptic Iodine clears up the psoriasis – and it did. However the plaque developed back in a few days after I stopped applying iodine, so the iodine might work just by suppressing the immune system or didn’t kill the infection deeper in the skin. Do not use the iodine to clear up the psoriasis plaques!

Before: I have been applying iodine water solution 3 times a day for one week on one psoriasis plaque on my forearm
After: The hand is wet for the higher contrast on the skin.

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